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    The year has been good to us.

    A year ago today we were living in L.A. I was working for myself and doing the part-time, dog-walking thing. I was going to court for the money from my first ever freelance contract. We were struggling a bit financially.

    In February, I was pondering the Meaning of Life™ and we decided that it was best to get the heck out of L.A. In March, we visited Portland and did some job interviews and looked for an apartment. In April, I finally got paid for the work I did for the Vigorous Idiot and we left L.A. Not, of course, before we saw our landlord wearing my clothes which he stole from the dryer. It was the pièce de resistance of the most ridiculous living situation I've ever experienced.

    We both began freelancing, T. for his former place of employment and me for various design shops around town. It was good experience for me and I use those different jobs as points of reference all the time for what I'm doing in my career. T. discovered that he goes stir crazy working at home and we get Oz to keep him company.

    In June, I got the job where I'm at now and it's still going strong. It's been such an awesome place to work and I love the atmosphere there. T. also got a job in June and he's still there. We've both gotten raises and have just coasted out the rest of the year enjoying being pampered by the corporate machine and being able to spend money on something other than bills.

    Here's to 2000. I'm expecting great things.


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