The Friends of Roethke Foundation
Photos of the his home in Saginaw, Michigan.
The American Academy of Poets
Contains an audio recording of Roethke reading My Papa's Waltz. Very nifty.
Powell's Books
From the best bookstore in America, a listing of available works by, about and featuring Roethke.
Squirt 33
I'm not too sure what the name of this page actually is but it has a great little timeline of the life and publications of the great poet.
A short life synopsis and the poem Snake with a Real Audio track.
Someone recently sent me email asking how to pronouce Roethke's name. I found this page which includes an audio file of the pronunciation. Note, that it includes a second pronunciation using the 'th' sound but does not provide an audio file for it.
Ted Tapia's Page
This was the only page devoted to Roethke when I put mine up back in 1996. He's got some good info here. UPDATE: This site seems to have gone 404, if you know where it has moved, please email me!