1.18.00 The last couple entries were half-finished. I haven't had the time to devote much to writing when I do I keep getting interrupted. It drives me crazy when that happens.
The last few days have been fairly eventful. On Friday, I set up three domains for my mom. I called when they went live and she sounded just giddy. It made me feel good. I set up three "coming soon" splash pages which she seemed to like. I'll be putting together an educational site for her. It may or may not bring in revenue but we're going to give it a shot. She's got a great idea that'll fit into a niche market. If the audience can find her, she'll be rolling in it. Now I just have to figure out what to charge her. It'll be best if we keep things on a business level for this but I don't want to gouge my mom bad karma, dontcha know.
On Saturday, I did a lot of sitting at my computer. Went to see Magnolia by myself. T. refused to go. Weenie.
On Sunday, we bought a car. It's a '99 Subaru Outback with 13,000 miles on it. We actually own outright about 5% of the car. I'm trying not to think about it. As we were signing the papers I had this thought going through my mind: "I wonder if I should have had my dental work done before this." I have to get one of my front teeth whitened as it's partially fake and has discolored a bit. My other front tooth has a tiny, unnoticeable chip in it that bothers me. Eeep. I can't think about how long we'll be paying for this. It's a great car. T. is stoked to have it but it may be my albatross. We also kept T's car. We now have three cars. I'm hoping to sell T's car this summer. I'll work on the MG and see if I can't get it into good condition and then sell the Honda. Just wait until this turns into an auto-repair journal won't that be exciting.
Yesterday, I made a second business trip down to San Jose. Out in the morning, back at night. The turbulence heading down was really awful. I was stuck in the window seat and I felt alternately clammy and then hot. I thought I was going to barf and felt completely claustrophobic. When we finally landed I thought I might shed a tear of joy. There was a period in my life somewhere in my late teens/early twenties when I was somewhat petrified of flying. I don't know what brought it on (I've flown all my life) or what made it dissipate but I'm afraid it might be back. The business meeting was productive and the flight back uneventful but I think I'm going to try and beg off the next trip. Or, at least beg off on day trips I was (and am) completely worn out. T's sick and I woke up this morning feeling pretty crappy. Apparently, I yelled at him somewhere in the wee morning hours on Monday. I wasn't sleepy too heavily as I was dreaming about car payments and worried that I'd miss my alarm and thus my flight. T. was tossing and turning and the cat was irritated and bitchy. I don't remember this but he said he woke up to me saying loudly, "Would everybody just settle down!?" When I woke up he was out on the couch. I think I slept really soundly after 3 a.m. Send me good vibes. I don't wanna get sick. æ |
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