Junk DrawerWe actually got Trick 'r Treaters last night! Amazing. It was damn cold and we're a little back from the street and last year I ended up going down to a friend's house because no one was stopping by and it feels so unsufferably lame to sit home alone with a bucket of candy. This year we carved up some 'kins and put them out to in a place to be seen and got enough people to foist off the bulk of our chocolate into the various pillowcases of anonymous children that we've never seen before in our lives. My favorite costume was worn by a Dad. He was standing out by the street in a full-on, quite authentic Santa suit. I waved (it's a sin not to wave to Santa) and he waved. He was probably the warmest (and jolliest) guy out.
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Our new cat, Clem.
If you love something, set it free. If it doesn't come back, it wasn't yours to begin with. If it does come back and you take it to the vet and get his nuts chopped off, putting down $300 in various services then he's yours forever. Remember kids, never feed a stray. Or give him a name.
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I recently took the GRE. What a nightmare. I have discovered through an unscientific survey that on the math section I will get a slightly better score than the person who just chooses 'B' for the whole test. I suspect, though, that if I chose 'D' for every question that I might do slightly better. 'D' is always a better guess than 'B'.
I'll be taking it again at the end of this month.
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I spent some time at Powell's yesterday and purchased
Absolom, Absolom!,
The Great Gatsby,
Paris to the Moon and
White Teeth. I hung out in the Career > Colleges > Guides section looking for a decent book rating graduate schools. Instead, I found one book that was too brief, multiple books on law and business schools and a gigantic book geared toward undergrads. I took one book down and shamelessly pulled out my notebook and wrote down their "top picks" for grad schools of architecture and then reshelved it. I sat and read a few chapters in the "How to Write a Successful Personal Statement" and broke out in a cold sweat. I had no idea that was supposed to be a big deal. Here I was thinking I could just write the thing. I mean, it shouldn't be too hard, right? I used to write.
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