I N  T H E  N I G H T  K I T C H E N

For best results...

Apply two pitchers and two tall boys of Pabst. Play pool. Hang out with people who make you laugh a lot. Walk home tipsy and giggling.


As in, I feel like ass. The panic attack-induced insomnia has returned. I know what triggers it but that appears to be a laundry list of items largely not in my control. I also have no one to bitch at ad nauseum about my life which seems like it would help but probably wouldn't. It's pretty much only the stuff a mother could listen to and I don't think mine can. It's also the thing a husband could hear unless you want him to think you're insane and unstable.

I think I need a therapist. I'd feel less guilt if the person listening to my whining and frustration was getting paid to act sympathetic.

Part of it is mid-project malaise strongly associated with having to return to the drawing board on this design. If I can muscle through this part, I think I'll feel better.

Okay. Piffle. Back to work.


Write soon about:
Waterfalls and girth vs. length
Beautiful Sundays
How great The Gorge is
Not making the love in open spaces
Circling hawks
Blue sky
Soft moss
Creaky knees

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