I N  T H E  N I G H T  K I T C H E N

Picture page

Not as many pics as I hoped. T. has some on his camera that are probably better.

T., looking smashing!

T. Meets Bird
This is after the birds attacked and we put away our sandwiches. T. put a cracker on his glove. This bird ate the cracker and then sat there and waited for another.

Snow Sculpture
One of the coolest things about the hike were these natural, snow sculptures. Short or broken trees, big bushes, uprooted former giants, would get covered in snow and shaped by the wind resulting in these crazy forms. I really liked these two which look like some sort of otherwordly hikers.

Things that have happened in the interim

  • Had a horrible dream last night. It started out relatively normal in terms of dreams: I was having trouble getting money from an ATM and it just took forever and I finally gave up when I saw that a line of twenty, angry people had formed behind me. This happened in a hotel lobby where T. and I were staying. It was a beautiful place, expansive, ornate. I went to the elevator and started up. I intended to get off on the 5th floor but neglected to press the button. I went up towards the 11th with two other women on board. Somewhere around the 8th floor the elevator started pitching left and right, twisting and rolling impossibly. We screamed. I started saying private goodbyes to my friends and family and especially T. It shuddered to a stop just shy of the 11th floor but we managed to crawl out with some help from people on that floor. We got out and the elevator cable snapped and it went hurtling toward the bottom with a huge boom and crash that woke me up.

  • T. and I went snowshoeing yesterday in the Mt. Hood area. It was so amazing. Snow fell softly the entire time we were there. It was overcast so we chose a densly-forested hike that promised few if any views. We hiked for a few miles to a frozen lake. We were the only people out on that route coming and going.

    We stopped for lunch at the lake, got out the camping stove and made soup. It was so delicious. We had sandwiches, too, but were afraid to eat them. A gang of grey jaybirds circled us and when T. tried to take a bit of his sandwich, one even flew in at him and pecked a piece out of it. When that happened, there were a dozen or more birds that landed on the snow at his feet. I'm pretty sure that they had experience at this and fully expected T. to toss his sandwich at them in fright. They were a little scary. So, we hiked back out a ways until we felt safe from the birds and had our sandwiches.

  • On the job front: nothing but crap. I've spent a lot of time chatting with recruiters and staffers and following up on job opportunities to no avail. Either the recruiters never ever get back to me (assholes) or it's bad news. I have, however, put some effort into finding alternate employment.

    One of my schemes is to see if I can get some entry-level pre-press work. This would basically be working in a print shop and getting files ready for press. I've already got some of the necessary software skills and I think learning that part of the print business would be pretty valuable and fun. It's slow-going though, trying to find someone that knows someone who will give me a break.

    I did have one opportunity come up recently that made me realize how over web design and development I am. Basically, I was talking to this chick about a 3 month, possibly more, contract for an interface designer over in Beaverton (boring suburb of Portland). I gave her my particulars and expressed much interest in the job because, frankly, I need the money. I hung up the phone and then started stressing about the pre-press feelers I have out there. My thought was basically this: "God, I better get hopping on that pre-press stuff because I think I would go crazy out there in suburbia sitting at a desk job for forty bucks an hour. Nope, I better see if I can get one of these minimum wage jobs in pre-press where I'm somebody's whipping dog."

    And, truthfully, the bottom rung sounds much more palatable to me right now. Which is really fortunate because that company decided to work with someone already in-house. Bastards.

  • The biggest news of all is also the saddest news. My closest friend, Laurie, has moved away from Portland. No jobs here. She's returned to her previous life in film editing and production and is now living somewhere in L.A. with her old friend Liz.

    I feel like everyone I know is out of work. Things could be much better than they are now.

  • I'll end with something funny that I discovered. If you search for "msn chat support" or "msn tech support" on Google, my page that contains the chat log I posted here awhile back is the number one hit. It ranks above go.msn.com and support.msn.com respectively. Is that not the funniest?

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