In my headI've become incredibly self-involved. I'm not sure whether this is excusable or not give my situation. I'm just constantly thinking and evaluating and rehashing what I'm doing in my life and making myself pretty unhappy. I feel like I'm working constantly -- 24 hours of work and worry; all day, everyday.
I went to see an accountant last week to get schooled on my tax issues. I feel much more confident about what I need to do but at the same time I feel like I've crossed some line. I have to be serious about this stuff. Somehow going to the accountant felt like a real commitment.
Having Good Client late in payment really shook me up. I also was just underbid on a pretty lame sub-contract. I put in about ten hours of proposal time as they turned around on the first one and requested a project price instead of time and materials estimate. I know it's for the best that I lost this project -- my contact was flighty and scattered, the site was going to be pretty boring and probably not going into my portfolio, and it really wasn't that much money. I can't even imagine what the person who underbid me was charging. I bid about 4k after being told that the client had a 13k budget. My contact indicated that my bid would have needed a lot of talking down to match this other one. Screw that.
Unfortunately, I knew that if I was going to continue working for myself that I had to have another client lined up at this time. The Albatross rather suddenly took flight earlier this week. The Albatross was basically a large Flash project that they were unable to wrap up. My job was to wrap it up. While I was working on this they hired an in-house interactive dude who does Flash stuff. He's only part-time but I'm sure it's much more cost effective to hand him the 'Tross. This project netted me a nice little bundle but it was a shitload of hard work. It wasn't very creative or fun but I was looking forward to working on the sound portion of it. Unfortunately, because of this new hire, I won't get that chance. Feh.
Lastly, I haven't written here in awhile mostly because I've just been wrapped up in my own head and not able to really voice this stuff. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, I've been procrastinating in other ways and when it came time to either work or procrastinate here, I've opted to work. After all, this is one step up in terms of procrastination commitment, I would actually have to think and type and spell and stuff.
10:16 AM link
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