I N T H E N I G H T K I T C H E N 1.24.2001
Hot for Teacher One of my clients right now is trying their hardest to kick my ass. I feel like the substitute teacher. The one that all the kids keep picking at and picking at with the ultimate goal of driving her insane. But, what they are really doing is sending me in circles and taking time away from my sweet, cool, respectful client who has a deadline this week. Of course, both the good client and myself have sort of dropped the ball. He owes me fonts and I owe him content. I'll give him the weekend if he will do the same. It's all good, right? Need a beer tonight.
Better Sue came over last night and performed some emergency surgery on my computer. She fixed some registry stuff and spanked the cable modem for being such a brat. Things seem to be much, much better. Now I need to throw back in the RAM stick that I ripped out in a fit of rage yesterday (How you like that?!) and see how it goes. The computer was really giving me fits. It was crashing unexpectedly at random moments. The crashing was mostly unrecoverable so I had to do a hard reboot everytime. Yesterday morning was the worst of it when it was crashing on reboot. It would get to the desktop screen and freeze. That's when I pulled off all the periferals, shut down the modem and ripped out 64MB of RAM. It actually seemed to help... a little. As long as my computer keeps chugging, I'm a happy robot. 1.23.2001
Ugh. I'm having kind of a bad day. I feel like I'm not allowed to have bad days. See, I'm freelancing and everything should just be that much better, right? The phone has been ringing off the hook. I've been having problems with files and communication and [insert scream of hysteria here] my computer. For awhile it was crashing on reboot. Fat lot of good that does me. For some reason I've been longing for the Dial-a-Story Librarian. When I was a wee tot living in southern California, there was this service run by, I think, our local library. You could call up this phone number and listen to a kind lady read a new story every week. I remember Rumplestiltskin, Snow White and The Gingerbread Man. It was pretty neat and I looked forward to it. I think my mother really looked forward to it as it afforded her a guaranteed five minutes of quiet, sometimes more if I called back to listen again. I don't know why but this keeps coming back to me lately. I just want to pick up the phone at some point during my day and hear a sweet, well-worn fable. I think I'm cracking up. 1.22.2001
Mah Bitches! The HBI site (follow the live link from my portfolio) finally went up a couple days ago. I can't say I'm too jazzed about the changes that the owner made after I delivered the files but whatever. It's up and it's quite an improvement over their old design. ![]() |