Went snowboarding today. Took another lesson. I did really damn good. Only fell getting off the lift a couple times and nothing too bad, not like the last time when I almost gave myself a concussion. I'm turning. I'm going fast. I'm, like, totally shredding, dude. Well, a little shred. Afterwards, we soaked in the hot tub and had a beer. So nice. Tonight, T. and I will go visit my Aunt and then see if we can hunt down my cousin for a beer. Must remember to buy at least a case of Moose Drool while I'm here.
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The HaulThis will be quick.
T. and I just finished a button-popping meal of Game Hens (2), homemade "dirty" mashed potatoes and about a bazillion steamed asparagus (a bazillion because they are only sold that way at our local grocer). I'm on my third glass of wine, a tasty if ill-matched-with-our-meal Riesling from the Willamette Valley Vineyards.
We went to the matinee of
Cast Away which was really quite good. Go see it. The harrowing scenes are really full of good, frightening harrow and Tom Hanks does an excellent job. It's a long movie, though. Go the the bathroom beforehand.
For Christmas, I got:
recent Hillman Curtis book on Flash
Flash 5 upgrade
the Fran Liebowitz reader
jewelry (from T.'s parents)
a huge gift cert. for Anne Taylor from T.'s sister
a DVD player
DVD movies: Gladiator, It's a Wonderful Life, Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Fight Club & Endless Summer
We did all our gifts last night except for our stockings which we did this morning. We watched Russell Crowe run around slaying people last night and this morning watched the Grinch fail to rob the Whos of their Christmas. Then we watched
Endless Summer which is a wonderful 60s-era movie about surfing and following the summer around the globe. I was really bummed about
Endless as I had just noticed that the VHS had gone out of print so it was a really sweet surprise to have that on DVD. I love it.
T. received:
about a billion Caphalon non-stick pans from his parents
basketball shorts
slipper (yes, just one)
an electric sander
the Bobby Darin box set
some killer ski gloves
various dress shirts and pants from his parents
various camping stuffs
We still will be getting some stuff from my parents but undoubtably not the massive windfall as from his parents. I talked with my older brother on the phone and he apparently took a nine-year-old's Amazon wishlist for mine and got me Beanie Babies. Huh. Yes, there is a young girl out there still obsessed with little pebble-filled toys and she has my name but I'm pretty sure that it's writ loud and clear that this girl is 9. I'm afraid I'll have to see if Amazon will accept a change. That's just ridiculous.
Hope your Christmas was merry, your holidays happy. I know mine was. The year has been so... much. I can't even imagine what next year will bring.
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Have a holly, jolly Xmas...Merry Christmas Eve.
Things to do today: make breakfast, go see if the grocery story is open so that we can buy something for Christmas dinner -- we're thinking Cornish Game Hens, maaaybe see if Meier & Frank is open to return a gift (more on this in a moment), clean up a bit, call my family, finish Xmas cards, go for a walk.
I desperately need to go for a walk. I've been very blobbular the last week. T. went snowboarding yesterday. I was going to go but pooped out at the last minute. Instead, I cleaned up the kitchen, slunk around the house avoiding doing anything, and then went to see
Unbreakable with Mike.
Not a bad flick. Not the best movie of the year but not the worst. I *hated* the last two screens of the movie. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. And, I think that M. Night needs to chill with his little-boy-with-dramatic-face fetish. In the end I was caught wondering what the point of the whole film was. However, while it was playing I did enjoy it. It's an odd story and I can see how you'd be itching to make it into a movie if you read it (then again, maybe a short story format would work best). I thought that the lighting was amazing -- oversaturated, really deep and dark colors. It's a good matinee.
I can't wait until tomorrow morning. T. is just itching to open gifts. He's like a little kid. Last night, T. and I discovered that we each had a gift for each other that we both knew we were just not going to get around to wrapping. So, we did an exchange. He got me a very cute pair of jeans that I've been wanting and I got him a soft pair of slippers for around the house. We've got all hardwood floors and slippers are pretty much a must, in my opinion. Well, I got the slippers at Meier & Frank and they were in this box where half of the box had this little window where you could see one slipper. The other half of the box presumably held the other slipper. Ah, yes, you can see where this is going, can't you?
No slipper.
Someone had removed the other slipper! I never opened the box to check on the other one. I just assumed it would be there. Silly, silly me. So frustrating. I hope they believe me when I take them back.
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Right now I'm drinking coffee from a Buffy mug (another present that T. couldn't wait to give me). It's got the show logo on one side and the Bronze logo on the other. It's very cute. Did they serve coffee at the Bronze?
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