I N  T H E  N I G H T  K I T C H E N

Link-o Stink-arama

I don't have a whole lot to say right now. I'll be glad when Christmas is here. I haven't finished shopping for gifts. I have two more things to get for T. One more thing to get for my little bro. I still need another gift for my parents. I haven't decided what to get yet.

Yesterday, I showed sketches to my client. I think they went over well. I hate showing sketches online. They look better on paper and in person. The whole process of scanning pencil on paper drawings introduces too many artifacts. Grrr.

Anyway, here's what I've been reading and enjoying lately:

From Beth at Bad Hair Days:

"...sometimes, you know, I get a little tired of the whole thing. Sometimes I don't care who's mentally ill and who is just an asshole. Sometimes I get sick of the fact that when I go for a walk, just me and my vagina, it's open season for the crazy mean guy to stand in my path daring me to pass him, and to string together words like fuckin' and cunt and bitch and cow, and I have to listen to that, and feel that fear of wondering what's coming next, just because I decided to take myself and my vagina out for a walk."

The next day, Beth linked to another piece of writing on a similar topic over at Groksoup.

"Women spend an incredible amount of energy negotiating these territories, assessing situations for danger and hassle, walking a tightrope of being seen as too inviting or too rejecting. It's so learned and built-in and automatic. Men have no idea how exhausting it is."

I've been a big fan of Dana's writings at Bobofett and just the other day she wrote a heartbreaking entry about false love and esteem.

"He would take off and I'd sit there, waiting, alone, nursing my beer, buying myself more, pretending to be absolutely engrossed in whatever song was playing, going back to my journal and absolutely, under no circumstances looking over at the couple sitting across the bar...."

Yesterday, I spent the better part of a day reading Teen Angst over at Spacegirl. I can totally relate with this journal. I think that almost every teen would write a journal just like this one. As I was reading it, I was so thankful that I was never too good about keeping up my own journal. I did write some godawful poetry at age 15 which is enough to make me cringe. She writes up an old journal entry and then provides current commentary.

"Anyway, we went all to the Record Collection, the only good record store within walking distance, and wonder of wonders, Biff (aka Jaws the Revenge or just plain Rick) was working there. Biff is this gross guy that Carolyn is in love with, who is in love with me and Kathy, though Kath is the first to admit (not reluctantly) that he stares at me more."

Too funny.

Now... must go shopping. Argh.

Reason number 412 to be a freelancer

I just got back from a 2-hour beer, burger and billiards lunch with Sue.


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