I N  T H E  N I G H T  K I T C H E N

Oh boy. Last night was... fun.

To recap in condensed form:

Got layed off.
Cleared out my desk and was coolio until a group gathered.
Then I nearly cried.
An impromptu gathering of old coworkers.
A much better gathering.
Much drinking with friends.
Much laughing.
There was smoking and dancing and strippahz and driving.
It was a very late night.
I awoke with the most horrifying headache.
I hurfed in the sink.
I haven't hurfed anywhere in like four years.
That was icky.
But, I felt better.
I feel better now after toast, Sprite and coffee.
Thank god for Sprite.
And coffee.
Let's not forget toast.
I have a call today with a potential client.
Yea me.
And, yea Scott!
Thanks, Scott.

Leverage fictitious capital.


They didn't go for my blah design -- thank god -- and the Senior Art Director whipped up something "light and ethereal" based pretty closely on the style board I did last week. It looked decent and they're going with it. We didn't present my constructivist concept since they were pretty sold on the other design. I think I may work it in to a design to be used elsewhere. I'm determined to get the team to do a good post-mort on this as I see many areas of improvement.

I've been battling a cold for the past week and a half. T. has been full-on sick for a lot of those days so I feel like I'm just barely keeping myself on the healthy side of the fence. The air travel yesterday really took it out of me and I'm feeling much ickness today. I do need to go into work though. I'm hoping the massive coffee I just poured myself will help me fake it through the day or at least the morning.

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