There's this ad that I saw in LAX and I pointed it out to T. for its obvert sexual imagery. Now, I see the same ad on my table here at the Emerald City Lounge and I can study it more closely.
The picture is of an overflowing, frothy, tan drink. The product is apparently a frozen "Kalúaccino" which would sound pretty tasty if I wasn't buzzing from my big beer already. The froth on this pictured product is arranged in a somewhat phallic shape. That is, phallic if that word can describe something designed to suggest female genitalia. Is there a separate word? I'll have to look that up.
Sure, you're saying. You think I just have a dirty mind that I'm seeing things that maybe I should give myself a few Rorschach tests just to find out. Well the caption is the kicker:
"How come you taste so good?"
Am I? Am I just sick and perverse to think it's exactly what it is? I think I'll steal it and scan it so you can see for yourself.
Enough of this... time to drink.