
So, I just had to look at the computer clock to figure out what day it was. I have completely lost track of days and time. I guess that's what happens.

I'm in Los Angeles now.

Left Portland on Saturday before the massive snow and ice storm hit. Yes, the love of my life flew up and helped me pack and then we U-Hauled our way down I-5 towing my MG. No moving adventure would be complete without a breakdown - a crappy alternator to be exact - and we were stuck in a fine little town called Williams. Ever heard of it? It cut about 18 hours out of our travel time. But, we met some lovely and understanding mechanics (Emmanuelle - you are an angel) and took up smoking again... briefly.

Spent Monday moving all of my belongings into the garage of our temporary residence (I hope) and Tuesday in my pajamas searching the net for that elusive job.

See, lover has a great job down here in la-la land. That's why I'm here. I had a great job but it...uh...went away. Course, I guess it was never mine to begin with.


Today I have attempted to arrange a little nest in the tiny closet he calls a living space and also look for more listings online.

Looking for a job is an incredibly humbling experience. It is for me anyway. I know nobody down here. I have no idea how to get anywhere. I feel extremely powerless. Scares me to death. And, how I hate the resume. The resume never seems to be just right and, like my writing, the more I look at it the uglier it gets.

Tomorrow I should be calling people. Maybe my voice will go out.

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