6.26.2000 There's lots to talk about as things related to procrastination today but good news first. Thom and I have finally purchased a couch. This is a ground-breaking moment in our relationship. A couch is such an adult thing to have. Our parents didn't buy it for us. No one gave it to us. We picked it out and bought it. And, not only that, procrastination saved us about $500 smackeroos. I'm ecstatic over this. Not only over the money savings but more so for the fact that we can stop lounging on the futon that we have pretended is a couch for the last three years. That futon is a lot of things but it is no couch. I picked out this couch after much searching and hemming and hawing over this thing that would lord over our living space. I needed something just right for the right price. This particular couch was a mite expensive. But, it was also, in my opinion, perfect. It's a nice cross between funky and functional. It's a sectional but one part of it is a chaise or looks sort of like a fainting couch. Thom wasn't wild over it until I pointed out that it meant we could both lounge simultaneously. There is no lounging happening on that futon. So, we go to have a look on Sunday at the store where I found it and it's gone! I inquire and apparently there are only two or three left in the warehouse, one of which is the floor model. However, we can have any of those three for round about $500 off if we don't mind having the fabric that the floor model came in. The one issue I had with that is that I wanted the chaise on the other side of the couch than the floor model had it. He calls over at the warehouse and not only do they have that one but it's brand new still in plastic and boxes. They're delivering it Wednesday. Procrastination!
I finally have internet access at home. The landlord came and rewired the phone line in the den. The wiring in this house is way funky and probably very bad to have my phat computer connected to but you get what you get. We've had to do all sorts of handstands to get wired. But, it's been incredibly frustrating. Things just aren't right with me without the access. Although, to be sure, it's been interesting. Until yesterday, we were not only without internet but also teevee! I sort of lost touch with everything for awhile. For one thing, my email prog is currently downloading 1563 pieces of email, 507 of which it has earmarked as SPAM. In reality, probably only 300 of those are SPAM with the others being duplicates of a mailing list I'm on that I can't figure out why it's duplicating (I'm using Outlook so that's your explanation) and various low-level journal lists which it doesn't know how to sort either. I must switch my POP address because that's where the bulk of it comes from. Of course, I've been procrastinating that. I kept meaning to write here and let you kids know what was up with the big move but... you guessed it, procrastination. I didn't feel like writing on the computer, putting it on disk and then taking it to the office. That's not my style. I haven't even felt like emailing people whose emails I was getting through another account or my work account (Hi, Chels! Tried to call you but I can't find your number I'll write you soon) because it would all have to be resorted at home. Feh. Procrastination. I've also majorly procrastinated putting together some snail mail that I need to do. Mostly because sending the mail means putting something in progress that I'm sort of dreading. Grrrr... hate it when I do that.
Switching gears wildly here. I went to the gym this morning and found that I'd lost five pounds since the last time I checked which was about a month ago. Not too bad considering that I've really just been eating better. In fact, Thom and I had some amazing meals over the last few days. Last night we had grilled Ahi Tuna steaks over grilled scallions and drizzled with sesame oil mixed with cherry tomato slices, olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. Pretty damn good. Saturday night, we had flank steak with Stubbs BBQ sauce (you must try that sauce) and a fresh salad. Friday night, we grilled (see the pattern?) chicken skewers covered in a lime and tumeric marinade and had sides of grilled mango and fresh sweet corn. Yummy! The chicken and tuna recipes I got out of "Real Simple" magazine which I think I just might have to subscribe to. I'd say that I'd put the recipes in here but I know I'll forget so run right out and buy the magazine. "Real Simple" was first brought to my attention in my typography class at the art college. The professor thought that the layout and color scheme were a nice design. It is pretty nice. In fact, it's so nice and soothing and crisp that it makes the ads in the magazine look absolutely garish and interfering. They've got some great articles but the focus is on making your life simple. I'm a little skeptical that a magazine could sell simplicity but we'll see, I'm enjoying it so far. One recipe from the most recent issue: Cosmopolitan SlushyYou must not forget the water like I did and then wonder why it's so strongly tasting of lime. They were still pretty good, though!
For the record, 375 SPAMs! æ |
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