
    I got a lot of great ideas from my list in regards to what I need to do to get Oz to take a pill.

  • Stacy suggested that I used Gerber's Lamb Baby Food and "mush it up" in there. I may go to the store today and see if I can find some. I tried to use cheese this morning but he wouldn't eat it. He just knows. That pill must taste awful.
  • m@ recommended the pill shooter which I tried to find at two pet stores they didn't have it. I found it on Petopia.com but haven't decided whether I should go to all the trouble of shipping one.
  • Scott also spoke of disguising it with food but said that if that didn't work I could get high and blow smoke in his ears, giving him a contact high (in his ears?) and relaxing him enough to jam a pill down his throat. Thanks, Scott. Very helpful.
  • A lot of people recommended massaging his throat to make sure he swallows it which I had no idea about.
  • One helpful reader spoke with the mayor who recommends that I freebase and inject.
  • And, Thom, suggested that we "Cut off his head, put the pill in the severed esophagus, then sew the head back on." Send hate-mail here.

    Yesterday, on the second try, we managed to get it down his throat. On the first try, we didn't get it back far enough and he spit it out. Ron let me know that I have about a 15 second opportunity to get the deed done before the cat gets really stubborn. I do believe he's right. He was not happy to get held down a second time.

+  +  +

    Thank goodness it's Saturday. Nothing to worry about but the move for two days. It's been a stressful couple of weeks at work. Last week, I was popping aspirin like candy trying to make it through the week. Part of that was my own doing as I volunteered for the project that required aspirin-popping. That project sort of fell apart last Friday so I've been dealing with a small bit of fallout from that.

    Mostly, work has been me doing way more than what I bargained for such as client relations, client hand-holder, project manager, creative and, at times, a salesperson. However, I think it's mostly straightened out now and I can go back to doing the creative stuff without the headache of managing. Nowhere on my resume did I include "management." Grrrr... breath in, breath out. Let it go....

    Today we get the keys to our new place and I'm going to take pictures of it before our furniture screws it all up. I can't wait to show you the fireplace!


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