
Sect 204 Seat 7

    It was awesome. Thom and I had such a wonderful time. The tent was amazing. It rose off the ground in peaks like whipped meringue. Inside, the ceiling and sides were painted a dark, deep blue. The stage was multicolored with a bright flower pattern that changed emphasis with the lights. They made amazing use of shadows on the sloped tent ceiling making the characters seem all the more mystical. Death-defying feats, shows of strength and agility, clown comedy. Lots of collective gasping and laughing.

    Thom and I bought clown noses and wore them as much as possible. I saw other people buy clown noses but not wear them. We shared a tiny carton of chocolate, Häagen-Dazs ice-cream and laughed and kissed and held hands. It was the best birthday present ever.

  • Cirque Du Soleil
  • Saltimbanco
  • The Show (with pictures)
    One of my favorite parts was the "Chinese Poles." Notice the multicolored floor. Before they began climbing all over the poles they were slithering around the floor during the "Adagio Trio" like lizards, their costumes blending in with the stage. I just liked the color and symmetry and the acrobatics of it all. Thom liked the "Russian Swing" in which players launched themselves into the air, twirling and flipping.
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