
    A fairly uneventful and boring weekend was made better by my readers and by the fact that I actually accomplished something. See, I stupidly took on a freelance project, small budget but it's for a person and a site that I really care about. I shouldn't really say stupidly because I'm really happy with the design and the direction of the project and working with the owner of the site had been really positive. But I've totally slacked in the last month. To be fair to myself, I told her from the beginning that I didn't have a whole lot of extra time and that I was wary about taking on this project. However, I hate it when things sort of slide.

    So, this weekend I devoted myself to my computer. I barely budged. I didn't leave the apartment but for a few hours Saturday night to see Scream 3 and I should've just stayed home. I entertained myself by soliciting stories from my mailing list readers and having that be my distraction kept me from roaming the internet in lazy pursuit of procrastination. I'm sure I annoyed the heck out of a number of my readers as they're not used to getting more than one message from me a month but such is life. I just hope the rest of them enjoyed it.

    My weekend project is on a roll. The template page is built. The CSS is still evolving but looks pretty damn cool. I spent gobs of time looking at people's source code which I haven't done in awhile. I reverse-engineered some CSS and played with the many different ways people were implementing it. Cool stuff. Of course, today I'll be wandering around the office and glancing at my little project on different platforms and browsers and surely weeping with despair over how it renders.

+  +  +

    Today is President's Day. Don't you wonder how our fair President might celebrate it? No, I didn't think so.

    Abrupt ending begins here.


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