Poor photo of the lonely little Tillamook Head lighthouse.

This doesn't really show it and the batteries ran out right after this was taken, but there were some huge waves that day. The spray off of them was so beautiful.

More beach.
The Oregon coast can look its most beautiful
when it's grey and rainy.

The digital camera doesn't do near and far very well, it sort of hits somewhere in the middle. That little branch is about three feet away from me and everything else is... probably about sixty feet.

This whole forest in this area looked like the Ewok forest. Everything was covered in vibrant moss and this tree had ferns growing on it!

Since we're such city-kids at heart, T. and I marvelled at some of the fallen trees. This massive thing had wiped out two on it's way down and is being supported by a small tree. I'd say where it cracked is about twelve feet in the air and that black lump on the left side of the trunk is a clump of mushrooms about eight feet up. Massive.

T. looks at some trees.

I take a short break on our way down. Do you like my hat?