2.8.00 Hello again. I took a bit of a break. No particular reason. Just needed to concentrate on some other projects and not use the journal as a procrastination tool. Which might lead you to believe that I've been off conquering mountains which, unfortunatley, just isn't so. I've been staying away from my computer. Doing a little bit of thinking. Doing a lot of sleeping. Not really getting anything done. What I would like to do is hybernate until the first of May. I think there really is something to Seasonal Affective Disorder. I just feel incredibly sluggish and drained. Check out the gams on January, though! Look at all those entries! Pretty good considering last year's track record. In fact, I was going to squeeze in one more on the 31st, begging for a pat on the back, but I didn't make it. Speaking of, January 9th was the two-year anniversary of this journal. It was called L.A. Stories when I first started and I think it might have been better. It was so full of promise back then. Although, everytime I read an old entry, I'm tempted to edit and fix grammar and spelling. But I don't, because that is just too big of a task to obsess over, no? I noticed that someone was taking a walk through a sizeable portion of L.A. Stories the other day. That always gives me a warm glow. Although, I suppose it could be my freak e-stalker, Jackie Collins, looking for more "sound bites" to obsess over. Which is not a clever pseudonym as Shelley suggested but her actual name. Too funny.
Last weekend, T. and I went looking for a house to rent. It was informative and depressing. I'm very picky about the kind of house I want and we certainly haven't come across it yet. Some of these places were dilapidated. Most were incredibly tiny. Some of the neighborhoods were pretty scary. We looked all over the Southeast side on Saturday and then went into the Southwest area on Sunday. We found one in West Mooreland that looked promising and we got a tour. It was the cutest house we saw on Saturday and would've been a possibility if it wasn't renting immediately. We didn't like it enough to try and break our lease over it. The screwiest thing about it was that the stairs up to the master bedroom were in the bathroom. It was a converted attic that was awfully cute but the door to the second floor was opposite the toilet. Bizarre, to say the least. The kitchen was extremely country and some of the wallpaper was pretty ridiculous. A whole slew of listings stipulated no pets allowed which is a major bummer. One listing did say: "Big Dogs Welcome!" but I don't think we looked at that one. I would rather rent my house to someone with a couple dogs than someone with kids. Dogs probably wouldn't burn your house down or draw cartoons on the walls. But, I don't know, maybe this dog would. So, T. and I are sort of re-thinking the whole let's-live-in-a-house thing which is depressing me to no end. There may be some better listings closer to the summertime but it is a lot of money to be tossing out the window every month (though we would be tossing it directly into "our" own yard). If we don't move into a house this spring then we are going to buy furniture. All of our vestiges from college are ugly and uncomfortable and I'm so ready for real stuff. If we moved into a house it could be awhile after all the moving costs before we could afford stuff.
This week I'm taking a continuing education class sponsored by my company entitled Digital Typography. I'm so stoked. Maybe I'll finally get around to creating something with Fontographer. I'm to bring a sketch book and pencils to class so this afternoon I'm going over to Art Media to pick up something swanky. I'm also supposed to have a knowledge of Quark so I guess I better install it and learn it before Thursday. No problemo. æ |
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