12.21.99 Looking for info on safe traveling with Oz, I came across this charming, holiday-related PSA for cat owners called 'Say No to Tinsel.' It's so well-done, graphically, and yet... I don't know. It cracks me up. I mean, why beat around the bush, right? If you have a cat, check out the rest of the site.
I got an email recently from a gentleman named David who said that he found my work to be very easy on the eyes. I like that. I think that's definitely my goal in this line of work. In every design that I make I look for it to be soothing. I don't do jarring very well. I can appreciate calculated shock but I don't do it with ease. My friend S. living up in Seattle is a huge fan of pop-art, Lichtenstein and Warhol-type stuff. She hates Gaugin and Monet. I told her that I thought there was beauty in the soothing colors and she remarked, "I hate beauty." It still makes me laugh. We can agree on Magritte but I wonder how she feels about O'Keefe. I think the first site that I saw that made me get really excited about what I might be able to do is Don Barnett's site. He's had the same front page look and design since at least 1997 and it still looks stunning. Those little tiles he does are adorable, too. Inspiration. So, David, if you're looking for soothing check out Mr. Barnett. I think intriguing would also describe his work. If only I could draw.
I have long wondered what would happen if I stepped on the non-moving edge of the treadmill. This morning, I found out. It'll throw you do the ground and rip your newspaper in half, that's what it'll do. It won't break your nose, as I had imagined, but it might the next time. Mental note: forgo newspaper while treading. æ |
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