Sunday, 10:30 p.m.
What a shocker -- I wasn't able to write much at all the past three or four days.
Suffice it to say, the wedding was wonderful, surreal, enchanting and insane -- probably just the way they are supposed to be. My cousin Kendall, who has been to more than a few of these shindigs, said it was the most beautiful wedding he had ever attended.
Our photographer was amazing and everybody was on their best behavior. I had a hard time dancing because my heels kept snagging on the inside of my petticoat. If I took my heels off then the dress dragged too much. My Dad is a pretty good dancer and he kept doing these little moves when we danced. I was fairly running to keep up with him not at all graceful.
I keep thinking of all these things that I missed. We barely got any cake and T. didn't even see his Groom's cake. Some kid went around opening the favors (gold boxes with two Godiva, heart-shaped chocolates in them) and eating one chocolate and then closing them back up again. My mom had made this ice-ring with flowers from my Grandpa's garden to go in the punch. I really wanted to take a look at it but I never got around to it. All these little things but I'm laughing over how busy we were talking with everybody.
The ceremony turned out to be longer than T. or I had thought it would be. The pastor for the ceremony was a family friend of ours from England. He seemed absolutely giddy about getting to do my wedding. However, he ended up practically giving a sermon and, while it was full of lovely sentiments, it killed my feet. I kept shifting around and taking my shoes on and off under my skirt. I had to remember not to lock my knees for fear I should pitch forward.
Some things to remember:
- Cousin Lisa-Marie asking whether or not we should decorate the "get-away" car. My father had specifically said "no" as this is the new Mercedes. Aw c'mom, she said, "How long can Uncle Jerry stay mad at me?" Let's not test that.
- Travis (ring-bearer) dancing with his sister, Heidi (flower girl) and spinning her over and over and over.
- Paul valiantly holding up this reflective thing against the wind while we took photographs. T. and I are both so grateful that he was there; he turned out to be soooo much help.
- Kellie sweetly telling my Mom to calm down and let me be (thanks girl).
- Sitting outside on the bench with my college girlfriends and cracking up about this or that. Seeing them at the very end of the aisle before I walked up it with my Dad.
- Give a rose each from my bouquet to Mom and T.'s Mom before my Dad handed me off.
- T.'s sister doing an awesome reading of a poem she picked out.
- Having the flower girl give me very stern directions right before the ceremony about how I needed to give her the cue to go.
- T. holding the back of my skirt while we went out for second pictures.
Now we're relaxing for our second night at The Voss Inn, a B & B. It's really cozy and wonderful. Our wedding night was complete bliss once we got over aching feet and I'm looking forward to snuggling up with my husband.