
    I awoke early this morning. Surprising since I was up till 2 last night watching movies with T. I looked at the clock and wondered what I should do. Should I get up and make breakfast? Go play on the web? Or, should I run get the Sunday paper from my doorstep and look for my media debut?

    On page two of the Living section is this article: Personal Diaries, Minus the Locks. It's not a bad article though a little simplistic. My journal was obviously not one that the author had really gotten into as everything she knows about me came from our interview. And, she got the URL wrong.


    Doesn't the L.A. Times have fact checkers or editor or anything? A URL is the easiest thing to screw up and the easiest thing to check. And besides, every reporter should be intimately acquainted with the internet. As a research tool it is invaluable.

    I'm looking at some of the other journals in the article and one of the featured ones, Functions by Melissa Lo, seems to be on hiatus since November of '98. At first glance it's a nice-looking site. The other site, Stark Raving Mad by Dave Haole doesn't look much like the screenshot they used. Although, if they had taken a screenshot of my site anytime before midnight of last night it would be totally different. She also messed up the Open Pages link. The link in the article goes to Diarist.net which is a registry of sorts for online journals but not necessarily a web ring.

    For my URL the reporter added a 'www' to the beginning of my URL. Damn Earthlink for having that stupid 'home' thing at the beginning. Everybody always looks at me blankly when I don't start with 'www' when giving out my site. I suppose I should have made that more clear. Ah well.... do *you* like my redesign?

    It's not done yet. I'm still going to be adding some photos and the alignment is not the way I'd like it so I'll be fiddling with it for the next few weeks. My mouseovers don't appear to be working correctly so I need to figure that one out as well.

+  +  +

    In other news, I got new glasses! They're very cute. Much cuter than my last pair that I bought as a freshman in college. They're smaller than the ones I have and look shinier and prettier. T. and I had been talking about both of us needing new glasses. We had hoped that when the Vigorous Idiot paid up we'd both be able to get a pair. Well, it all came to a head when the bridge broke in two. It's metal and just made a clean break when I was trying to adjust it a little.

    So, $200 smacks later and I've got new specs. They are really giving me a new outlook on life. I feel like I look different in them. It's like I have a new attitude and I expect everyone to treat me differently. Maybe I should infuse my glasses with superpowers and that when I put them on I'll feel compelled to send out cover letters and resumes. Or maybe they could inspire me to finish updating my portfolio. I better do all these things quickly before my new attitude and superpowers are drained by the sucking radiation of my monitor.

    Can't. Reach. Keyboard. Must. Use. Futility. Belt. To. Save. World. And. Self. Auuuuuuuugggggghhh.


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