
    I've managed to make it into the gym twice this week. That was the minimum in my New Year's resolution to get to the gym more. I figured that three times a week is my goal but I'll only beat myself up if I go less than twice. That's fair, right?

    The class I went to on Wednesday just about killed me. Kickboxing again but this time with Nickolai, the man who wants to see you drown in your own sweat. That's my little nickname for him. He teaches an advanced technique class and is small and wiry. T. and I took his technique class months ago because we thought it was a primer. Ha! He has some sort of cute little accent and I'm pretty sure he was giving us direction in either French or Italian. He has the stamina of a hummingbird.

    He was subbing for Fernando who I usually take the class from. I thought Fernando was tough. Again — Ha! I actually got dizzy during part of the class but T. thinks that's because I didn't have any breakfast on Wednesday. That makes sense.

    Due to all the walking I do each morning I have been able to complete each workout tired but not spent. I have had less muscle soreness and more stamina. Yippee.

+  +  +

    Made another trip to Killer Shrimp last night. I think T. and I are about all Killer Shrimped out now. It was, of course, scrumtious but it's such a big meal. We fell into bed stuffed to the gills.

+  +  +

    We had plans to get things accomplished today but here it is noon and I'm still on the computer and T. is channel surfing. We were supposed to get up early today and go walking but T. kept luring me into the bedroom. He claimed to be posessed by the power of the bed. I yelled at the bed to release this man from its fluffy clutches but relented several times myself. We have to get out of this apartment today.

    Right now.


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