10.25.98 I love Sunday mornings. This morning at around nine T. rolled over and snuggled up next to me, putting his head on my shoulder and sighing deeply. He usually doesn't do that. Usually, I'm the first one semi-conscious in the mornings and I'll snuggle up next to him. We slept that way for an hour and then spooned and slept a little more. It was heavenly. It must have been that early morning love boost that kept me going all day long. I got so much done today. I finished my first project for The Guys (I'll tell you the name of the company after I settle my lawsuit) and pushed that to the server. I finished the next week's updates for my weekly freelance job. And, I created an online invoice so I can get paid for the last month's work. If you're looking for an online invoice or timesheet template let me know and I'll give it to you. I caught up on my journal crit list and wrote a critique. I caught up on various bulletin boards and cleaned out one of my inboxes. After that, T. and I went to Office Max and looked at desk chairs and filing cabinets. I just wanted to price them. I think the desk chair we are going to get is around $129 but it is comfortable and will fit in our space. I ended up buying a receipt book and an invoice pad in case people want paper invoices. After that we went to Home Depot to buy shelves for our medicine cabinet but we couldn't find anyone to help us within five minutes so we left. That's the essential problem at Home Depot. If you're needing help it can take a very, very long time to find it. Also, I swear that over half the employees claim to be on their very first day when you ask them for help. Maybe they are but I suspect a conspiracy. Then we went grocery shopping and T. bought all this healthy food since he's trying to shed a few pounds and work up muscle. I'm a little dubious that he's really going to eat all of this but I guess we'll see. In the evening we had spaghetti with turkey meat sauce. I don't think turkey is a good substitute for beef but it was okay. We watched the Simpson's Halloween episodes and the Frankenstein repeat of the X-Files. We're trying to figure out how we're going to watch Buffy and King of the Hill Halloween episodes. For some reason we can't get the VCR to coordinate with the cable to record one channel while we're watching another so we'll have to ask somebody to record one or the other.
Saturday was pretty fun. Terri came over and she and I and T. carved pumpkins. I made those Pillsbury Bat cookies and we took the pumpkins out to the communal picnic table and carved away. I must say that we three are some master carvers. Terri made this scary tribal face and T.'s took the cake by making a kitty-cat. It has ears and everything. I made a silly pumpkin with a lop-sided grin. I was going to make a super, ultra-scary face but I felt like I needed the good karma.
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Earlier in the day I had a screaming, crying tantrum. I got a notice from the Los Angeles Municipal Court that I had missed my court date. It seems that with the moving violation I also got an automatic court date for contesting it. Well, not only had I not yet paid my ticket (since I didn't have any money) but I had no idea that a court date had been assigned. I thought that if I wanted to contest it that I would set up the court date. I think I might set up a website titled: "Things that you don't know unless somebody decides to tell you." Sometimes I think my parents sent me out into this world so clueless. Also, growing up in a military household and on military bases doesn't prepare you for the insanity of the real world. The moral of the story is that if you don't ask all the questions up front and embrace the bureaucratic processes intent on destroying your life then you will pay $315 for making a left hand turn where one was previously allowed. Any joy that I had over receiving a paycheck on Friday was squelched when I handed nearly the whole damn thing to the city of L.A. But, Sunday was really lovely. It really, really was.
Addendum: æ |
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